Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTSで「sysv-rc-conf」が無い上記コマンドを入力すると「E: Unable to locate package sysv-rc-conf」ということだったJan 23, 2022Jan 23, 2022
An app that issues an automatic password on macOS.Isn’t it troublesome to think about a password when issuing a password for signing up? The “Retool-zip” app is an app that creates a ZIP…Oct 16, 2021Oct 16, 2021
I tried using TFileClient in Delphi.There was a file called “System.Net.FileClient.pas” in Delphi 10.3, so I tried using it.Inside this file is a class called TFileClient…Jan 3, 2021Jan 3, 2021
When connecting to MySQL from Node.js on AWS Lambda, “Quit inactivity timeout” appears.When connecting to MySQL from Node.js on AWS Lambda, “Quit inactivity timeout” occasionally appears.In my case, this phenomenon has a 1/50…Jan 1, 20211Jan 1, 20211
Learn to use WinRT’s HttpClient with Delphi.I’m investigating how to use WinRT with Delphi 10.3. In the Japanese blog I wrote, I mentioned some WinRT. This blog, I will write how to…Dec 20, 2020Dec 20, 2020